Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Topics for this WSD Tech eNews September 7, 2011
1. No Problem Too Small – Please Ask if You Need Help!
2. Still Space in Many Tech PD Courses (pre-registration ends 9-16-11)
3. TeacherWeb changes for 2011 – Move to Google Sites
4. No Netflix Streaming at School
5. Reporting SPAM email
6. Sean and Anthony’s Building Schedule
7. Changes to Read 180/System 44 Reading Intervention Software
8. How does Using SchoolDude Help You?
9. Changing a Link to Your Classroom Webpage on Your School’s Website
10. Who Resets That Password?
11. For District Employees Page of WSD Site Has Links You Need
12. Tech eNews Archive

1. No Problem Too Small – Please ask if you need help!
Sean, Anthony, and Les are here to support district staff in your work educating children. If you run into a technology problem, please don’t hesitate to ask us for help. We’re only able to help if you let us know you’re having a problem!

2. Still Space in Many Tech PD Courses
The new Course Descriptions and Sign-up sheet are available for the 2011-2012 Tech PD classes, on the WSD Tech Website. Registration is first come, first served, so make sure you sign up soon! You can register via e-mail by sending Les an e-mail with your choices, or you can print the list, and return that to Les Brown at Excelsior. If you choose to register via paper, please make sure to put your name on the sheet. Register by September 16th for best selection of classes.

3. TeacherWeb Changes for 2011-12 – Move to Google Sites
TeacherWeb has been bought out by a larger company, and their costs have increased. WSD Technology is no longer going to pay to provide TeacherWeb sites for WSD Teachers. WSD Teachers may continue to use TeacherWeb by paying for the yearly fee ($30) themselves or with classroom funds, or they can switch to the free Google Sites. One of the Tech PD classes this year will be a training on getting started with Google Sites. The money saved will be used to pay for the Tech PD classes, since the Title IID federal funds we were using in previous years to fund these classes have been cut.

4. No Netflix Streaming at School
Several teachers have asked recently about using their Netflix Streaming accounts at school to share video content with students. Unfortunately, this violates your End User License Agreement (EULA) with Netflix and may not conform to copyright.
To quote the EULA you sign when you register for Netflix, "...the Netflix service, and any content viewed through our service, are for your personal and non-commercial use only and we grant you a limited, non exclusive, non transferable, license to access the Netflix service for that purpose..."
This license does not allow you to use your Netflix account to show movies at school.
Regardless of the source of the video, note that you’re not allowed to show videos simply for entertainment. Also note that the same restrictions on sharing video that apply to a rented video apply to a streaming video (from the ALA fact sheet on copyright and video):
Classroom use of a copyrighted video is permissible only when all of the following conditions are met:

- The performance must be by instructors or by pupils.

- The performance is in connection with face-to-face teaching activities.

- The entire audience is involved in the teaching activity.

- The entire audience is in the same room or same general area.

- The teaching activities are conducted by a non-profit education institution.

- The performance takes place in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction.

- The person responsible for the performance has no reason to believe that the videotape was unlawfully made.

For more information about copyright and movies, please visit the American Library Association’s fact sheet.

I will be changing the content filter category for streaming media to make sure that Netflix is blocked starting Friday.

5. Reporting SPAM E-mail
If you get an unwanted commercial e-mail (SPAM), please don’t forward it to Les Brown. Simply forward it to and the company which filters our e-mail will analyze the message and change the filter to better catch that type of message in the future. Important Note: please do not do this with legitimate e-mail, as this type of change affects all users within the district. (for example, if you signed up for a eNewsletter from OSPI, and no longer want it, you shouldn’t forward it as SPAM since OSPI is not a SPAM sender, and doing this could start flagging all of their messages as junk mail for all users within the district).
Also, if a message you are expecting hasn’t shown up, and you’re worried it’s been caught as SPAM, you can use the Daily SPAM Summary e-mail to forward it to yourself. Just click the link at the bottom of one of the summary e-mails which says “View your entire Quarantine Inbox…” to go to a webpage that will show you an up-to-the-minute view of your own e-mail caught as SPAM, where you can forward the message to yourself.

6. Sean and Anthony’s Building Schedule
Sean is at Jemtegaard from 7:30 AM to 10 AM, Hathaway from 10 AM to 12 PM, then at Gause from 1 PM to 3 :30 PM, and at Excelsior from 3:30 PM to 4:40 PM.
Anthony is at WHS Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 8 AM to 1 PM, then drives up to Cape and CCMS, where he’s available from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. On Tuesdays, he works 8 AM to 11 AM at Cape and CCMS, then is at WHS in the afternoon, except for a 1 hour meeting at Excelsior from 1 – 2 PM.
Their schedule is posted on the WSD Tech Website as a printable .pdf.
Les is at Excelsior from 8 AM to 4:30 PM.

7. Changes to Read 180 and System 44 Reading Intervention Programs
Staff who use Read 180 and System 44 need to use a new method to access both the SAM (management program) and the System side of Read 180 and System 44. Links for these two interfaces have been added to the WSD website under “For District Employees.” If you use either of these programs, and haven’t been e-mailed a new username/password, please contact Sean or Anthony.

8. How does using School Dude help you?

Besides keeping your tech staff happy (and who doesn’t want that?), using SchoolDude to report problems with your technology helps you! Once you’ve put in a request, you’ll get an automatic e-mail response letting you know it’s been entered. The system will update you whenever Les, Sean, or Anthony makes any changes to the work order. You can log back into the SchoolDude system to view the status of all of your tickets, which can be helpful if we’ve given you steps on how to resolve something. The SchoolDude system helps the district track time spent on problem machines. Also, if you’ve been having a problem with a computer, make sure you’re keeping track of it in School Dude. Problem machines are identified by the number of tickets assigned to them, and get replaced when we have the opportunity.

9. Changing a Link to Your Classroom Webpage on Your School’s Website
If you move your website from TeacherWeb to Google Sites or another web host, you’ll need to have the link from your school’s webpage updated. In general, your building secretary is responsible for making these changes – so please start by e-mailing them your new link. To do this, go to your new website, and click in the Address Bar of your web browser, and copy the web address or URL, and then paste that into an e-mail.

10. Who resets that password?
OK, you’ve tried every password you’ve ever used since “the dog you had when you were seven years old,” and you still can’t get into that website/your computer/your voicemail/your e-mail/WESPaC and you’re wondering whom you should call! Here’s a quick reference:
- For Computer login problems, contact your building tech person (Sean or Anthony) or Les at ext. 3310
- For e-mail, contact your building tech person (Sean or Anthony) or Les at ext. 3310
- For WESPaC, Contact Boo Stevens at ext. 3011
- For AESOP, Contact Liza Linde in Human Resources at Ext. 3041
- For Sonitrol, Contact Liza Linde in Human Resources at Ext. 3041
- For help with voicemail passwords, Contact your building secretary, or Les at Ext. 3310
- For EDS (OSPI’s Data system), Contact Boo Stevens at ext. 3011

11. For District Employees Has Many Links You Need
If you find yourself wondering where to go to report an absence, needing the link to put in a maintenance or technology work order, wanting to find out about your PERS balance, info on your dental/health/vision insurance, or any other common district questions, check out the “For District Employees” page of the WSD website.
To get started, visit the “For District Employees” page, which is linked in the upper right corner of the WSD Site
If you have a suggestion for something else that could be added to this page (check first to make sure it’s not already there!), e-mail Les Brown and he’ll look into adding it to share with everyone.

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