Topics for this Tech eNews 12-13-2012
1. Registration is still open for Tech PD Classes
2. Please turn off computers before leaving for break
3. Thank you to Kim Dillon and Jay Bennett
4. Surplus Soon
5. Timecard Printing Guide
6. NCCE Computer Conference in Portland 2/26/13 to 3/1/13
7. Tech Blog Has Archive of eNews and other Tech Related Articles
1. Registration is still open for Tech PD Classes
Teachers and other staff are welcome to register for this year’s Technology Professional Development Classes. A full list of classes is on the Technology website, and you can sign up using an easy online form. Click here to sign up!
Classes this year include options for a shorter series of courses where you can still get clock hours (10 Websites in 2 90 minute sessions, Google Sites/Docs/E-mail/WESPaC Gradebook), new topics (Prezi, Digital Cameras & Photo Management), and some familiar favorites (iMovie, Excel, and the Document Camera class). A full list of the course descriptions is here:
2. Please Turn Computers OFF Before Leaving for Break
As you are getting ready to leave for a wonderful, relaxing Winter break, please take a few minutes and turn all the computers in your classroom off. Doing this saves electricity and keeps your tech support staff happy!
3. Thank you to Kim Dillon and Jay Bennett for Leading the First Tech Classes
A very big “thank you” to Kim Dillon and James Bennett for leading the first two Technology PD classes this year. Kim’s Research Databases class was well received, and Jay’s Google Sites class was a great opportunity for participating teachers to spruce up their websites.
4. Surplus Soon – Get Rid of Those Dust Collecting Paperweights
If you have old, unwanted equipment in your classroom that you no longer have a use for, you can use the surplus process to get rid of it. Your building’s inventory designee (Deana Degrande at CCMS, Deborah Mansfield at Cape, Marlene Leifsen at Gause, Kathy Stanton at Hathaway, Debbie Leifsen at Jemtegaard, and Misty Young at WHS) can help you process paperwork to dispose of the item appropriately, and remove it from your classroom’s inventory. There will be a surplus run in January, near the end of the month, so work with your inventory person now to get items taken care of before break.
You can read more about the inventory and surplus process here, including finding forms to dispose of equipment.
5. Timecard Handout by Sean Elkinton
Some staff have been having problems downloading and printing the new electronic Timecards. Tech support staff person Sean Elkinton has developed a short guide to do this, starting from the computer’s login screen. If you need help, please ask your building’s Tech Support staff person for help!
6. NCCE Computer Conference Opportunity for Teachers Feb 26-Mar 1, 2013
Are you interested in learning more about Technology and curriculum, and then teaching your colleagues about it? If you are, please take a few minutes to look over the linked catalog for the NCCE (Northwest Council for Computers in Education) conference, which is in Portland this year. The district is looking for a group of around 10 teachers to attend the conference, learn from the workshops, and then re-create them here for a larger group of our teachers.
If this is something you’d be interested in, please use the Google Form to indicate your interest, the classes you think would be valuable, and how you’d be interested in teaching it to your peers. David Tudor and Les Brown will decide on a list of attendees after the deadline, which is January 9.
We are open to pairs of people who are interested in taking a workshop together to bring back and co-present, as well.
Information about the NCCE Conference:
List of workshops:
Link to the Google Form for Washougal to sign up:
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