Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Live Blogging from NCCE 2013 in Portland - Jay Bennett

NCCE - Google Forms 2-27-2013

Use a URL shortener ( to share links to docs
There's a chrome plugin

Admin needs to set up "rapid release" for google apps

Can collaborate on google forms now like you can on presentations and documents

Forms no longer automatically create a spreadsheet, you can choose..
       No spreadsheet
       New spreadsheet
       A tab in an existing spreadsheet

Create spreadsheet first
       put questions in the top row, one per column
       Go to tools menu and create form
               form is created with questions input already
       If you start with the spreadsheet it is automatically associated with that      spreadsheet

Custom form response
       Can create custom "thank you" message at end of form
       Could include a link to a website or results of form

Logic Branching
       The response leads to different questions
       Use "Add Item" --> "Page Break"
       Each "page" is a different branch
       At bottom of each page you need to set "after page"

CountIf formula
       Use "count-if" function to translate text data to numbers so you can            create a chart/graph
       typing "=countif" will give you a list of functions and function format         information
       With numerical data you can "insert"-->"chart"
       "file"-->"publish" to publish chart/spreadsheet
       Clicking on the chart and "publish chart" to get embed code

Array formula
       Function pulls data from one sheet to another

Transpose formula
       Function swaps columns and rows
       Can make it much easier to view data
       In example it placed names across the top and answers down the columns

Filter formula
       Function allows you to enter a search term and will pull data associated                with that term
       Can make your search field a autofilled pulldown list
               Choose cell and go to "Data"--->"Validation"
       Use additional functions to make a custom search page

Use Google Form/Spreadsheet as assignment dropbox
       Create form with name, url, notes fields
       Students can submit URL

Image function
       =image will take a url as an input and will pull the image from that url into           the spreadsheet
       Can use this function to pull in a QR code (see class presentation)

Concatenate using the CHAR function
       char(10) puts in a line break

tip of the week  tip81 self checking quizzes
Also can use the Flubaroo script
       tools-->script gallery

NCCE - Bare is Beautiful 2-27-2013

Cloud Computing
               Data storage
               Content creation
               Browser extensions
       All online running through your web browser
       Allows collaboration
Browser Extensions
       Extensions allow features and functions not generally available in the          standard web browser
Extensions to consider
       Zotero (FF only)
       Google Toolbar
       Pixler Grabber
       DownloadHelper (FF only)

Online Software Replacement
       Music Making
       Adobe Pro
               Google Docs
               Office Live
               Dinky's Page

Many more at

Freemake Video Converter (GET IT)!!!!! online flyer/poster making site (Very cool!!)

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