Topics for this Tech eNews 3-21-2012
1. Innovation Grants awarded. Congrats to our grantees!
2. Google Sites Class 4/10/2012 4:00-7:00 PM
3. K-5 Progress Reports – How Do New Students Get Added?
4. Leaky Ceilings and Computers are a Bad Combination
5. Where to Find that SchoolDude Link?
6. Don't Forget to Check Your SPAM Folder in the New E-mail
7. Tech Blog Has Archive of eNews and other Tech Related Articles
1. Innovation Grants Awarded
Innovation grants have been awarded from district Tech Funds to the following teachers, who filled out a proposal for an innovative classroom technology they are interested in piloting. These teachers will get the technology they requested over the next few weeks, and begin trying it out in their classrooms. If you see them, ask them how it’s working! Congratulations to the recipients, and thanks for your willingness to try something new.
Pauline Rule/WHS
"Microscope Adapter for Doc Cam"
Project Cost: $135
Students involved: 400
Summary: Devices to connect microscopes in the science department at WHS to their document cameras, allowing whole group viewing on the projector of very small items.
Tom Hays, Jeff Condon, Susie Donnelly, Scott Rainey/JMS
"JMS Cliques"
Project Cost: $1250
Students involved: 450
Summary: Interactive Student Response System for use with JMS Social Studies students in all three grade levels
Penny Andrews/Cape
"Creating an interactive classroom through technology"
Project Cost: $1490
Students involved: 28
Summary: An interactive white board for use with her 3rd grade classroom. Penny will use this to create interactive lessons where students fully participate and are engaged.
Rochelle Aiton/WHS
Interactive Student Response System: "Clickers"
Project Cost: $1250
Students involved: 145
Summary: Interactive Student Response System for use with Spanish students in all of her classes at WHS, as well as finance class she teaches with Lisa Leonard.
Cindy Coons/Cape
Leaping into Reading (Changed to iPads from Leapfrog system)
Project cost $2500
Students involved: 59
iPads for use with 5-6 year old students in two sections of the Kindergarten program. iPads will be used as part of reading stations, to create high interest activities for students learning to read. Grant will include evaluation of apps which might be recommended for other Kindergarten classrooms in the district.
All mini-grants received this year were funded! The total for all of the grant applications is around $7,000, and grants are funded through the Tech Levy. Another round of innovation grants will likely be offered next school year.
2. Google Sites Class 4-10-2012 from 4-7 PM, EHS Lab
Back by popular demand! Google sites is a free way to create a website for your classroom, which you can use to post resources, a classroom calendar, homework tips, or other information for students and parents. The always fabulous Rochelle Aiton will be facilitating this class, which is designed for people new to Google sites, and will get you up and running with a website in 3 hours. Google sites is a great option for folks who want an easy-to-update website that offers lots of flexibility.
Please e-mail Les Brown to register, so we can plan for snacks. 3 Clock Hours are Approved through ESD 112. Teachers may pay themselves to attend this class, if it aligns with their professional development goal, they have PD funds available, and their principal signs off on it.
3. K-5 Progress Reports – How Do New Students Get Added?
Sean and Anthony noted that many K-5 teachers have questions about how new students get added to their class lists in the progress report system Edusoftdev. Simply put, an extract file is done about two weeks before the progress report window, which includes the current class list. This is imported into the system, which updates the list of students in each class.
If you have a student in your list with an asterisk in front of their name, it means that they were in your class at some point during the semester, and they remain on your list so that you and the students’ new teacher can work out who enters their grades. Similarly, students who have left the district are left in the system for the remainder of the term, so that a progress report can be printed and sent with the student if it is requested. The last update was performed on 3-20-2012. If you log in and are missing a student, let Les Brown know immediately. K-5 teachers have a deadline of Monday, March 26 at 8 AM to finish 2nd Term grades.
4. Drip, Drip, Drip! Report That Leak, but Move Your Computer to Safety!!
A quick heads-up about leaking ceilings: If you notice a drip coming through the ceiling into your classroom anywhere near your computer, please move the computer to safety! Several leaking spots have claimed the lives of innocent computers, and your tech staff want to help you prevent this tragic occurrence. Sean or Anthony can help re-locate computers to a safer location, ensuring that you can still use them, while you wait for repairs. Make sure you report the leak to your building administrator so they can enter it into SchoolDude, too!
5. SchoolDude Link on “For District Employees Page
Speaking of SchoolDudes, if you forget how to get there, you can always find the link via the Washougal School District website. Click on the “for district employees” link in the upper right, and then use the Technology/Maintenance Requests link, which will take you to the SchoolDude site. It’ll ask for your e-mail address (your one) and you can log in. See directions on the Tech blog for updating your SchoolDude login if you want. Contact Sean, Anthony or Les for the password.
6. Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam....
If an outside patron or contact says they've e-mailed you, but you haven't received it, please remember to check your SPAM folder.
To find your SPAM folder, do this:
Hover your mouse above the list of Labels, below the word “Inbox” in the left column of your e-mail.
Choose “More” from the bottom of the list. It’ll drop down, and show you the SPAM folder.
Click on it, and you’ll see the list of messages that the e-mail system thinks are junk e-mail.
If there’s a legitimate message in there, click it once, then click the Not SPAM button.
This will teach the e-mail system that this is not a message that should have been flagged.
While you're in there, you can select all the messages that ARE spam by checking the checkbox to the left of the sender name, and then choose "Delete Forever" to clear it out.
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