Friday, June 10, 2011

WSD Tech eNews for June 10, 2011

Topics in this edition of WSD Tech eNews for June 10, 2011

1. Technology Service Satisfaction Survey Open
2. Tech Professional Development Courses for 2011-2012
3. Summer 2011 Tech Professional Development from ESD 112
4. TeacherWeb changes for 2011-2012
5. Encourage Students to Back-up Important Files
6. Back up Your Files Before Summer Starts
7. Getting your computers ready for summer (no garbage bags required!)
8. Surplus that old unwanted/unused equipment

1. Technology Service Satisfaction Survey Open
In the Fall of 2010, WSD Tech staff did a survey of staff to identify areas in which we could do a better job meeting your needs. We developed a set of interventions to better communicate with staff, make ourselves more available, and to advertise ways you can contact us for help. We’re now doing an end-of-year survey to find out how well these steps are working to meet the needs from the fall survey, and to see if there are other things we should change. Please take a minute or two to fill out this survey. Contact Les if you didn't get the survey e-mail.

2. Tech Professional Development Courses for 2011-2012
Les Brown is working with teachers who have taught Tech related professional development in the past, as well as teachers who attended the NCCE computer conference, to schedule the classes we will offer during the 2011-2012 school year. Here’s a teaser of the topics you’ll see:
Thinkfinity; Webquests; Microsoft Word & Excel; iMovie in the Classroom; 30 websites in 90 minutes (and some time to explore them); Library of Congress (Primary Source materials and other free resources); Cicero (lesson plans, primary sources, standards, rubrics, assessments, activities, videos, games, interactive maps, and more); Document Camera Refresher; TeacherWeb & Google Sites webpages; PowerPoint Refresher; and a Webquests Refresher.

3. Summer 2011 Tech Professional Development from ESD 112
ESD is offering a mix of both in-person and online Technology Professional Development during June, July and August 2011. If you’re looking to expand your skills, “upgrade” your teaching, or just need a few clock hours, there are some great, low cost options available to you.

ESD is also offering a Tech leadership strand this summer, which would focus on giving you the skills to help train your colleagues to better use technology in their classrooms. If you’re interested in committing to doing tech related professional development activities here in Washougal, please contact Les Brown and he will consider funding your registration for this training. Information is included in the link below.

4. TeacherWeb Changes for 2011-2012
TeacherWeb, the hosting company we use for teacher web sites, was purchased by another company which is in the process of switching many of their customers to a more expensive platform. After evaluating the new platform, we have decided to begin switching teachers to the new Google sites platform in use by several staff at WHS. This is a free service offered by Google. Jay Bennett will be working with Rochelle Aiton and Heidi Kleser to develop a training on the new system.

Teachers who are not ready to switch may continue to use the TeacherWeb system until it is discontinued, but will have to pay the $30 yearly fee themselves. Professional development dollars can’t be used to pay this cost.

5. Encourage Students to Back-up/Archive Important Files
Students interested in keeping files for next year, or for using them in their portfolios should back them up onto a thumbdrive, burn them onto a CD, or e-mail them to themselves. As in the past, all student accounts will be purged during the summer to get rid of unwanted/excess files and to make room for the new students coming into the schools.

6. Speaking of Backups!
Before you leave for the summer, consider burning a CD with your important files on it, and take it home with you. Anthony and Sean can help with the process of burning files to removable media.

7. Getting Your Computers Ready for Summer
In the past, some WSD staff have placed garbage bags over computers to keep dust out. Neither Anthony nor Sean has noted that there is a problem with excess dust settling into computer equipment when it is off, so this isn’t necessary. Please save yourself the trouble, and leave the bags for the garbage cans.

Please make sure you turn all of your computers off before you leave. If you have a laptop that won’t be used over the summer, you should charge the battery fully, and then take it out of the computer for storage. If possible, store the battery in a refrigerator that’s turned on.

As much as is possible, please leave your computer’s cables all plugged in. We are aware that the custodians will move much of the equipment to clean carpets, but doing this will cut down on the time it takes to get everyone back up and running in the fall.

8. Surplus that old unwanted/unused equipment
Do you have old, unwanted, or unused equipment in your classroom that you don’t want to keep? Mark it as “surplus” on your year-end inventory, and let your building administrator know you want to get rid of it. The deadline for identifying items as surplus is June 15.

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